The Ice Age route – cycle route

Try Istidsruten (the Ice Age route) and go on a ride through the earliest history of Denmark – a story that is told through the landscape.

Try Istidsruten (the Ice Age route) and go on a ride through the earliest history of Denmark – a story that is told through the landscape.

You will experience up close how the Ice Age, which happened about 20,000 years ago, has shaped the landscape around Fjordlandet. Move through the unique trails from the time when the country was merely rubble and rocks, transported by the ice from Northern skies.

On this route, you will pass by abbeys, market towns, estates, cultural history, and ancient monuments.

Length: 390 kilometer – divided into stages

The Ice Age Route is ideal for a cycling holiday, a day trip, or an evening ride on two wheels – all year round

The Ice Age Route takes you through Denmark’s early history with a magnificent landscape that evokes a strong sense of freedom and connection with nature. Ride down to the beach, across marshes and meadows, or through tranquil forests, and visit the many charming towns that offer both much-needed breaks and cultural experiences.


Vikings on the Horizon

The Ice Age Route is rich in experiences, and along the way, there are virtual surprises with fascinating stories about the Ice Age and the lives of the first Danes. No matter where you are on the route, you are never far from information and immersion in the natural and cultural experiences that define the landscape.

Two stages pass through the Fjordlandet, offering plenty of exciting experiences such as the Land of Legends Lejre, a captivating and exciting destination for the whole family. Here, you can find reconstructed houses and environments from the Stone Age, Iron Age, Viking Age, and the 1800s, along with working workshops and ancient livestock breeds. All of this is set within 43 hectares of outstanding nature featuring hills, forests, lakes, and meadows.

Sagnlandet Lejre-stenalder-jernalder-vikingetid-husmandsliv-aktiviteter-for børn-Herthadalen-frilandsmuseum-Fjordlandet-stenalderkano
Ledreborg Slot og slotspark

You will also pass through the Skjoldungernes Land National Park. Humans have lived here since the dawn of time, leaving their mark on the landscape. It’s no wonder, as the national park boasts exceptional nature, cultural history, and some of the most beautiful landscapes in Denmark. Visit the large central Zealand deciduous forests, where you can lose yourself in the depths along many trails and rest at the excellent campgrounds.

You should not miss experiencing Tempelkrogen, where an award-winning nature restoration project has restored the water level in part of the old Elverdamsdal valley. Or visit Tadre Mill, the last watermill in the Elverdamsdal valley.

Tadre Mølle-kulturhistorisk museum-naturcenter-Hvalsø-Lejre-Elverdamsdalen-Fjordlandet-ROMU-Nationalpark Skjoldungernes Land-aktiviteter-for børn-sheltere-butik
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