Take a tour in the footsteps of the Royals
Come along and discover the Danish history of the royal power in Fjordland and North Zealand. Be royal for a day on a royal tour through 1000 years.
Take a swing in the beautiful mirror-filled ballrooms, have a picnic in the king’s hunting grounds or find peace in the lavishly decorated royal burial chapels.
Follow in the footsteps of the kings from the earliest legendary kings to their final resting place and explore 11 places that bring you up close to the lives of the kings and the monuments of royal power.
Let the journey begin!
From 400 BC
- Lejre – Kings with golden blood in their veins
Lejre is known and famous as the cradle of the kingdom and as the home of the mythical legendary kings Skjoldungerne - the legendary heroes with godly blood in their veins. In the ice age hilly landscape, traces have been found of the mythical Scylding kings – the first Kings of Denmark. See also the remains of the original Kings Hall- one of Denmark's largest shipyards from the viking age.
Fra 800 AD
- Sagnlandet Lejre – The Royal Viking Hall
Experience Denmark’s largest royal hall from Viking times, and recreated following finds in Gl. Lejre. Here it’s easy to imagine Beowulf fighting the monster
Fra 1151 e.Kr.
- Esrum Kloster og Møllegaard -Kongens jagtslot
Oplev det historiske kloster som i middelalderen var cisterciensernes hovedsæde i Danmark og som Kong Frederik d. 2. i 1560 gjorde til sit nordsjællandske jagtslot. I dag kan børn og voksne bl.a. opleve arrangementer, interaktive spil og en middelalderlig legeplads.
From the 1200s
- Jægerspris Castle- The king’s summer residence
If you are interested in interior design from the 1800s, then Jægerspris Castle is the place to visit. For 600 years, Jægerspris Castle was a royal hunting and pleasure castle. It became Frederik 7 and Countess Danner’s private residence and was furnished by the countess herself. The castle is one of the only places in Denmark where the interior design of the 1850s can be experienced as a whole.
Fra 1700 tallet
- Fredensborg Store Kro
Fredensborg Store Kro er en historisk perle og har en spændende historie bag sig lige siden dets opførelse samtidig med storebroderen Fredensborg slot i 1723. Fredensborg Store Kro har haft en central plads i Fredensborgs historie som midtpunkt for royale begivenheder og luksusopholdssted for borgerskabet.
From the 1500s
- Skoemagerkroen
Quench your hunger and thirst at Denmark's oldest royally privileged post and stagecoach inn from 1521. Christian the 2nd passed by law that for every two miles on alpha roads inns should be built for changing horses and feeding travelers, which became the beginning of the Shoemaker's Inn.
fra 1600 tallet
- Frederiksborg Slot – Royale Malerier
Snyd ikke dig selv for at opleve det overdådige Frederiksborg Slot i Hillerød. Slottet blev bygget af Christian den 4., og står i dag som Nordens største renæssanceanlæg. Slottet huser Det Nationalhistoriske Museum med en billedsamling på 500 års kongelig Danmarkshistorie.
Fra 1600 tallet
- Parforcejagtlandskabet – Kongernes jagtmarker
I Nordsjælland kan du opleve endnu mere UNESCO verdensarv, nemlig Parceforcelandskabet som består af Gribskov, Store Dyrehave og Jægersborg Dyrehave og Hegn. Tre skove som udgør et fuldstændigt unikt kulturlandskab fra Christian den 5.`s tid.
Fra 1700 tallet
- Fredensborg Slot
Det smukke 1700-tals barokslot kender de fleste nok som ét af de slotte, som regentparret har brugt allermest og som Kronprinsparrets andet hjem. Slottet blev bygget som jagtslot af Frederik den 4., men bruges i dag ofte til større officielle statsbesøg og familiebegivenheder i kongefamilien.
- Nationalpark Skjoldungernes Land
Experience countless nature experiences in Skjoldungernes Land National Park on foot, by bike or from the fjord. Lace up your hiking boots, fill your backpack with food and water - and disappear into one of the national park's large, deep forests, take your bike around the hilly landscape or sail out on the fjord in a canoe all year round.
- Nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland
Udforsk Nationalpark Kongernes Nordsjælland der med sine 263 km2 er Danmarks næststørste nationalpark. Her kan fra man øst til vest se spor af kirke- og kongemagt i form af slotte, klostre og borgruiner. Parken rummer hele to UNESCO verdensarvssteder nemlig Kronborg og Parforcejagtlandskabet.
Built in 1175 and still in use
- Roskilde Cathedral – The final resting place
End your royal tour in Roskilde Cathedral with the characteristic spiers and the royal family's burial church. 40 kings and queens are buried in the lavishly decorated burial chapels. Not many other places in the world have so many intact royal tombs gathered together, which has also put the cathedral on UNESCO's World Heritage List.